AllCom Credit Union is currently undergoing a major renovation of the entire building, parking lots and drive-through.
We deeply apologize for the inconveniences this will cause.
The renovation will impact your access to the Credit Union as follows:
• The parking lots, drive-through and ATM will be closed for repaving at noon on Friday, September 25th and will remain closed until the Credit Union opens for business at 8:30 AM on Monday, September 28th (weather permitting).
• To ensure the safety of our members and employees, and to complete the renovation as quickly as possible, the lobby will also be closed for several weeks in the October/November timeframe. During this time, the drive-through will remain open and appointments can be made for loan closings and member service needs. We will communicate the dates and details as we get closer.
Please plan in advance for Teller transactions or use remote services if possible.
We apologize in advance and thank you for your patience.