Personal Loans


Did your budget get thrown a curveball?
Sometimes things don’t balance out how you plan and AllCom Credit Union knows that, which is why we’re here to help you with all your borrowing needs.

AllCom offers personal loans between $500 and $15,000 to cover those unexpected expenditures with the best rates possible*.

  • Rates and Terms available for loans from 12 to 60 months
  • Fixed repayment plan
  • One-hour approval
  • Online, phone, and in-person applications available
  • Payroll Deduction repayment option available

Call (508) 754-9980 for more details, or to apply over the phone.

Check out our rates!

AllCom offers members the ability to pledge their Savings/Share Accounts as collateral in obtaining a loan.


  • Borrow for a term from 1 to 12 Years
  • Interest Rate is 3.0% Above Secured Savings
  • Payroll Deduction repayment option

Please contact a Loan Officer at 508.754.9980 for additional details.


  • Establish new credit or help rebuild credit for those that have had credit issues in the past
  • Minimum of $500 with a maximum of $5,000
  • Choose the payment amount with a minimum of $50 per month and a maximum term of two years

Please contact a Loan Officer at 508.754.9980 for additional details.

Stay alert for scams involving calls or texts from AllCom Credit Union. Remember, we will NEVER ask for your card number, one-time passwords or login credentials. Learn more.