Money Market

Instead of letting your funds sit untouched and without growth, earn more with AllCom Credit Union by saving your money in our Money Market Account.

The Money Market Account is an interest-bearing savings account, available as an individual or joint account that provides liquidity of funds with the highest interest rates.

Basic Money Market Account:

    • No Monthly Fee
    • Minimum $2,000 opening balance
    • Six (6) Withdrawals per month
    • Dividends paid monthly on average daily balance
    • Monthly statement with checking account, otherwise, quarterly statement

Premium Money Market Account:

    • No Monthly Fee
    • Minimum $15,000 opening balance
    • Three (3) transfers or withdrawals per month
    • Dividends paid monthly on average daily balance
    • Monthly statement with checking account, otherwise, quarterly statement

Tier 1

Minimum daily balance required to earn APY*

    • $15,000.00 – $49,999.99

Tier 2

Minimum daily balance required to earn APY*

    • $50,000.00 – $99,999.99

Tier 3

Minimum daily balance required to earn APY*

    • $100,000.00 or more

Tier 4

Minimum daily balance required to earn APY*

    • $300,000 or more

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All deposits are insured in full. To find out more, click below:

*Annual Percentage Yield

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