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Retire with Peace of Mind

It is estimated that you will need 70-80% of your pre-retirement income to maintain your standard of living when you retire. Social Security will contribute only about 30% and a typical pension plan about 30% more, so to ensure a comfortable and independent living you should start thinking about establishing another form of long term savings. At AllCom Credit Union, we offer Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) Plans that can help make up the difference and make sure you’re able to retire in peace.

Here at AllCom we offer both IRA Share Account and IRA Certificate programs for your use. There are no fees and no minimum balance requirements on our IRA Share option. Roth and Educational IRA’s are also available. Contact a Financial Services Representative at (508) 754-9980 for additional information.

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What is an IRA?

An IRA is a type of deposit account that is designed to help you save for retirement.

What’s the difference between a Traditional IRA and a Roth IRA?

With a traditional IRA, earnings are allowed to grow tax-deferred so you don’t pay taxes on your contributions until they are distributed. With a Roth IRA you pay taxes before contribution and distributions after retirement are tax-free.*

*Consult a tax professional for tax advice.

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