Important Notice That Will Affect Drive-Up Access

The City of Worcester is currently replacing sidewalks on Park Ave directly in front of our building.

The AllCom drive-up will be closed Friday, October 7th through Monday, October 10th. The branch lobby will remain open with the exception of Monday, closed in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The branch parking lot and lobby will be accessible only via Pratt Street.

The drive-up ATM will be accessible by walk-up only. Please plan in advance for teller transactions or use remote services, if possible.

If anyone needs assistance during this time, please call us at 508.754.9980 to coordinate and we will be happy to assist.

We apologize in advance and thank you for your patience.

Stay alert for scams involving calls or texts from AllCom Credit Union. Remember, we will NEVER ask for your card number, one-time passwords or login credentials. Learn more.